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CCAP Working Internationally to Enhance Climate Negotiations and NAMA Development

Leila Yim Surratt

In the lead up to an international agreement to address climate change, expected to be negotiated in 2015, CCAP is working globally on many fronts to pave the way for a paradigm shift toward low-carbon development. Recent meetings with high ranking officials and international policy makers highlight CCAP’s efforts to develop mitigation actions in developing countries, promote climate finance, and advance international climate mitigation policy.

CCAP President Ned Helme and several other CCAP staff attended the 6th Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board of Directors meeting from last month in Bali, Indonesia, after CCAP hosted a Policy Dialogue dinner with board members, advisors and other international advocates. CCAP encouraged the GCF Board to consider CCAP’s six core criteria for selecting developing country proposals to support with GCF funds, which delegates from Zambia, the U.S. and Germany raised for discussion during the Board meetings.

I was also in Indonesia to participate in a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) workshop hosted by the Indonesian government, and several CCAP staff helped to organize the Climate and Clean Air Coalition’s Municipal Solid Waste Initiative’s Asian Regional Workshop, launching the Initiative’s efforts in Asia.


Additionally, CCAP representatives Michael Comstock and Francesca Antifora just attended the fourth part of the second session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP2-4) in Bonn, Germany, meeting bilaterally with Parties and following the negotiations around the 2015 agreement where discussion centers on nationally determined contributions to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


CCAP’s Erica Jue, Laura Wang and Stan Kolar were also on the ground this month in Vietnam, meeting with officials to discuss further opportunities for NAMA development in Asia.

Latin America

Since the Colombia Transit-Oriented Development NAMA was selected by the Germany-UK NAMA facility to receive funding, Steve Winkelman and Chuck Kooshian continue to work with Colombian officials, developing an appraisal of the next steps in the implementation process.

CCAP’s Paolo Cozzi recently returned from Peru, meeting with government officials, private sector representatives, electric utilities and NGOs, in an effort to develop a potential energy efficiency NAMA, and Michael LaGiglia is in Peru this week to continue work on a solid waste NAMA. Later this month Pablo Lopez will be visiting Mexico to encourage low-carbon development policies in the country’s transport and waste sectors. Pablo and Michael will also be going to Cali, Colombia in April to advance the city’s efforts to reduce short-lived climate pollutants under the Climate and Clean Air Coalition.

Professional Opportunities

We’re also proud to report that a couple members of the CCAP team have stepped into government posts where they can continue to positively advance climate mitigation. Previously an International Policy Associate for CCAP, Julie Cerqueira is now Senior Advisor on the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) at the U.S. State Department Office of the Special Envoy for Climate Change, and Ignacio Santelices, formerly the director of CCAP’s Chile Office, is now with the Chile Ministry of Energy as the head the Ministry’s Energy Efficiency unit.

As CCAP continues to expand its international work, we are looking for several candidates to join the CCAP team including a consultant to be based in Asia, a manager of developing country projects based in DC, and several associate and intern positions.


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