Event description:
To limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and realize Paris Agreement goals, finance and assets aligned with low-GHG, resilient development must be the rule, not the exception. Drawing on the recent report from ODI, E3G, WRI and RMI Insights for operationalising Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement, panelists will discuss how to drive progress on shifting financial flows inside and outside the UNFCCC, and sharedrawing on concrete examples of tools available to shift financial flows including public finance, subsidies, and information instruments to guide investor behaviour.
Speakers include Joe Thwaites, World Resources Institute, Jason Spensley, the Green Climate Fund, Jennie Gleed, the Carbon Disclosure Project, Wiert Wiertsema, Both ENDS.
Speakers and running order:
11:30-11:40 Opening remarks: representative of the Chilean COP25 Presidency (TBC)
11:40-11:50 Facilitator: Carolina Aguirre Echeverri, CCAP
11:50-12:00 Session framework: Joe Thwaites, World Resources Institute, report author
Drawing from the report, Making finance consistent with climate goals: Insights for operationalising Article 2.1c of the Paris Agreement, this presentation will present a three-part framework to support governments and non-state actors to identify opportunities to: (1) drive action to mobilise and shift finance; (2) track progress against Article 2.1.c; and (3) increase ambition. It will also outline the four key sets of tools that governments can employ to shift finance: financial policies and regulations, fiscal policy levers, public finance and information instruments. These tools will be further elaborated by the speakers that follow.
12:00-12:10 Financial policies and regulations
This presentation will consider how financial policies and regulations can create an enabling framework to shift financial flows.
12:10-12:20 Fiscal tools: Wiert Wiertsema, BOTH ENDS, decarbonising export credits
Focusing on decarbonising export credits, this presentation will illustrate how fiscal policy levers can support shifts in finance flows.
12:20-30 Public finance: Jason Spensley, Senior Specialist of the GCF Country Programming Division
This presentation will focus on how GCF Country Programmes can align public finance with country mitigation and adaptation priorities.
12:30-40 Information instruments: Jennie Gleed, CDP & The Investor Agenda
This presentation will look at investor disclosure and other actions that can be taken to
Increase transparency towards shifts in finance flows.
12:40-13:00 Questions & Discussion