The last of three thematic training sessions in the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness Programme in Uzbekistan focused on engaging GCF for climate finance. In this training session, CCAP shared information on climate finance mechanisms and instruments and provided examples of financial mechanism case studies. The workshop also covered how to select and design a financial mechanism for GCF proposals and climate related projects including a sessions in which participants brainstormed specific financial mechanism design for Uzbekistan GCF proposal ideas.
Improve understanding of climate finance landscape and investment opportunities;
Develop understanding which market and sectors can benefit from climate finance and how;
Strengthen the ability of national stakeholders, and LFIs in particular, to identify, assess and develop a pipeline of climate-relevant investment opportunities;
Build capacity for financial evaluation, risk assessment, and structuring of financial mechanisms and instruments;
Provide guidance on monitoring and evaluation of climate finance;
Identify specific program proposals to be pursued and evaluating linkages to NDCs, NAMAs and other national strategies.