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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • Accelerating Waste Management Plans at the National Level to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants

    With support from the CCAC MSWI, CCAP has worked in-depth on reducing emissions from the waste sector in Cali and Barranquilla, Colombia and Concepción and Viña del Mar, Chile. , CCAP has been working at the national level to develop nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs ) in Chile, Colombia and Peru. Also at the national level, CCAP supported analysis in Colombia for a tariff reform to take effect on

  • Green Climate Fund Readiness Programme in Uzbekistan- Thematic Training 3

    landscape and investment opportunities; Develop understanding which market and sectors can benefit from climate finance; Identify specific program proposals to be pursued and evaluating linkages to NDCs, NAMAs

  • Fifth MAIN Asia Regional Dialogue

    By sharing different country strategies for implementing NDCs, facilitating input from policy experts to implement NDCs, including through the development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs In addition, the event highlighted ways to engage the private sector in NDC conversion and NAMA development Present opportunities for financing and technical support for NDC conversion and NAMA development and Identify key elements of transformational NAMAs, including i) the role of public policies in achieving

  • Virtual Pilot Case Study: How Article 6 Can Support Energy Sector Transportation

    With support from CCAP, the virtual pilot is designed to promote higher ambition by both countries in Among the first virtual pilot project concepts to be showcased globally, the project would establish exceeds both the existing renewable portfolio standard (which calls for 20 percent of generation to come from corresponding adjustment, Chile will need to be sure that new “firm and flexible” generation resulting from As Chile and Sweden work through these details together, lessons and best practices from the virtual

  • Building Capacity in Peru for AES, Private Sector and Public Sector Actors to Access the GCF

    Accredited Entities, public sector actors, and private sector actors to effectively access funding from participated in an exercise designing a theory of change for a hypothetical GCF proposal and used the Fund’s form for funding proposals and concept notes to guide the design of a basic intervention. private sector actors participated in a practical exercise in designing a theory change using the Fund’s forms for concept notes to develop a basic intervention.

  • Recap | After COP27: The Future of REDD+ in the Paris Agreement Implementation

    Framework on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) — a set of climate which REDD+ shined at the climate conference was during the allocation and investment of resources from a specific window in the Green Climate Fund, whose financing was executed from 2018-2022. Alternatively, forest management could continue to be financed from a non-market perspective. They saw the opportunity to secure financing from the operation of the new version of international carbon

  • Blog | Small Islands, Big Ambitions: Understanding Climate Finance in SIDS

    Takeaways: Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face a unique set of challenges that set them apart from ranges from 25-96% in 2020, and an average of 48% across the board. Additionally, Kiribati’s debt in percent of GDP went from 20% to 35%, and Papua New Guinea from 33.8% provide a wide variety of instruments and mechanisms that help channel climate finance into SIDS, the reality Stay Connected! There are numerous ways to stay connected with CCAP.

  • Next Steps for Converting INDCs into Action

    and other public and private pledges, it is timely to consider how countries can turn INDC goals into concrete Building on CCAP’s discussion paper, Converting INDCs into Action, CCAP released a policy brief on March 4, 2016 describing the importance of converting INDCs, outlining the elements of a fully converted INDC , and providing recommendations for policymakers from developed and developing countries, as well as

  • Blog | Reassessing Climate Finance for Non-ODA Eligible Islands and Overseas Territories

    ODA under the DAC is heavily influenced and guided by the collection and analyses of development data from To address this, islands are tasked to identify alternative sources of funding to draw from, such as The reality for these non-ODA SIDS and overseas territories is that although they are wealthy on paper Multilateral Sources of Climate Finance With bilateral financing from ODA out of the equation, island CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • Please Express Your Condolences for former CCAP Director Stacey Davis

    Stacey spent 25 years with CCAP from 1996-2021 CCAP and the global climate policy community is saddened earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies, with a focus on Human & Natural Ecology, from Stacey attended Emory from 1988 to 1992. Master of Environmental Management (MEM) degree in Resource Economics and Policy at Duke University from please post it in a comment below. #### CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from

  • CCAP comments on the EU's Complementary Climate Delegated Act

    For instance, Spain gets more than 40 percent of its electricity from wind, solar, and hydro. About a quarter of its electricity comes from nuclear, and about a quarter comes from natural gas. Germany, on the other hand, still gets a quarter of its electricity from coal, which is the most-carbon In an effort to transition away from coal, Germany has invested heavily in natural gas infrastructure As the EU looks to transition from carbon-intensive electricity sources to renewable sources, country

  • CCAP to Participate in ICAT’s Workshop on Tracking and Mobilizing Climate Finance

    UN City in Copenhagen, Denmark to participate alongside country representatives and climate experts from From the Climate Finance team, Samantha Shin will be moderating and presenting at the workshop on Tracking CCAP has recently supported multiple countries’ climate actions from policy planning to implementation Connecting professionals from around the globe, the ICAT workshop aims to enhance knowledge on international Presenters will also discuss outcomes and lessons learned from ICAT adaptation project implementation

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