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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • Blog | Private Company Policies in the Nexus Between Carbon Credit Markets and Local Welfare

    as though the market offers some natural solutions that ultimately result in the removal of carbon from clear that Microsoft is pursuing a set of policies that recognizes global climate inequity stemming from say that there is potential for poverty alleviation through forest mitigation activities under the concept of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+), plus CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • Blog | Shaping the Future of Finance: Exploring the Global Rise of Sustainable Finance Taxonomies

    The establishment of Colombia’s taxonomy in 2022 prompted substantial progress within the LAC region, jurisdictions adopt and adjust methodological features and/or international or regional practices (i.e., from the EU taxonomy, from the ASEAN taxonomy) to reflect local circumstances, such as national commitments AMS considers their economic and technical realities, while reflecting the decarbonization framework CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • Realizing Art. 2.1C: Approaches to Shifting Financial Flows Towards Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    Event description: To limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and realize Paris Agreement goals, finance Drawing on the recent report from ODI, E3G, WRI and RMI Insights for operationalising Article 2.1c of how to drive progress on shifting financial flows inside and outside the UNFCCC, and sharedrawing on concrete CCAP 11:50-12:00 Session framework: Joe Thwaites, World Resources Institute, report author Drawing from

  • The Santiago Action Plan: A Silver Lining on Finance on the Margins of COP25

    Despite COP25 failing to deliver its main objectives, something good came out from Madrid. accelerate the shift of financial flows towards low carbon and climate-resilient investments, helping to realize peer-to-peer learning to support strong practices globally. [1] Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, Colombia

  • Mexico's Oil and Gas Methane Regulation: Global Best Practice

    regulation set out a process that companies would follow to implement measures to reduce methane emissions from The companies had one year from the regulation’s publication to develop the diagnostic and come up with a “Program for Prevention and Comprehensive Control of Methane Emissions” or PPCIEM from its name in Source: adapted from ASEA Before going into detail on the content of each of the regulation’s four “titles Countries like Colombia, Argentina, Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire have indicated their interest in following

  • CCAP Applauds the Kigali Agreement to Reduce HFCs

    Unabated, emissions from the refrigeration, air conditioning and foam blowing sectors are expected to Developing countries are already making progress in reducing HFC use and curbing emissions from the refrigeration Just last year at COP21, the NAMA Facility preliminarily awarded Colombia 9M EUR to implement a program CCAP provided extensive technical, economic and policy input into the development of this NAMA. The Thai Refrigeration and Air Conditioning NAMA, was also selected for support by the NAMA Facility

  • Policy Brief | CCAP and GIZ Publish: “Towards a Common Pathway Across Sustainable Finance Taxonomies"

    The publication is aimed to help readers familiarize themselves with the core concepts of taxonomies The main challenge, however, is how to develop taxonomies that reflect a specific country’s context and Good governance processes can help from the early stages of taxonomy development. CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • California's AB 617: A New Frontier in Air Quality Management... If Funded.

    , Governor Brown signed AB 617—a law relating to criteria air pollutants and toxic air contaminants from air quality concerns head-on. These programs should include measures for reducing emissions from the contributing sources or categories Public Policy at UC Berkeley to bring policy makers, environmental justice advocates and stakeholders from combining community engagement, regulation, and incentive financing; Strategies to reduce emissions from

  • Transforming the Energy Sector and Implementing NDCs

    place, including mitigation commitments, now called Nationally Determined Contributions or (NDCs), from deep look at INDCs from key developing countries to explore how they can advance these pledges to long-term Representatives from developed and developing countries, as well as executives from the private sector From 2000 to 2014, Germany expanded the number of renewable energy generation sources from 30,000 to Going forward, CCAP will help build on the strong momentum from Paris to help countries put in place

  • COP25: Another Year, Another Missed Opportunity on Carbon Markets

    includes buyer countries like Switzerland and Sweden, as well as prospective host countries like Chile, Colombia

  • Blog | Understanding the Impact of Climate Finance Transparency

    because it contributes to global transparency and conveys how much climate finance has been provided from Additionally, reporting assists in mobilizing funding and managing resources for developing countries from The concept of transparency describes the acts of ‘making visible’ and disclosing information and is The workshop will take place in Bonn, Germany, from February 28-29, 2024. Stay tuned! Stay Connected! There are numerous ways to stay connected with CCAP.

  • Blog | All Eyes on Bonn: The Global Stocktake and its Role in Shaping the New Collective Quantified Goal for SIDS

    Integrating a loss and damage sub-goal under the NCQG is important for distinguishing itself from other but also the beginning of a renewed vision towards defining the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) from The release of the final text at COP28 concluded with a call to “transition” away from fossil fuels in The concept of loss and damage in SIDS refers to things that are permanently lost and can not be restored Members and allies of SIDS will need to communicate, leverage and amplify the alarming findings from

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