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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • Blog | COP28 – The Sprint to Eliminate Methane Emissions Around the World

    This has been the core message from world leaders in discussions regarding the methane crisis at COP28 barriers to reducing methane emissions from the waste sector. The goal of Peru’s Waste NAMA is to reimagine the country’s waste sector. Stay Connected There are numerous ways to stay connected with CCAP. . #### CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • Innovative financial instruments for decarbonization in Latin America

    and scaling up public and private sector climate finance in some Latin American countries – Brazil, Colombia Colombia, an effective engagement of IOs, private financial, and non-financial institutions for successful multilateral and bilateral institutions, Colombia introduced a private sector engagement framework Referring to the case of Brazil and Colombia, institutional mechanisms and arrangements, climate laws Successfully implementing Colombia’s NDCs.

  • Establishing clear institutional arrangements for climate finance

    lack of communication between ministries and vague division of responsibilities, hinder governments from Institutional Arrangement for Climate Finance Management The climate budget is managed by the MoF in Colombia For instance, Colombia established the Financial Management Committee of the National System for Climate Regardless of the governance structure, high-level leadership from each Ministry should share a common With this shared vision and goal, the official communication channels, designated focal points from each

  • Policy Brief | Local Communities and the Voluntary Carbon Market in Latin America and the Caribbean

    funded by Euroclima and developed in collaboration with the Climate Ambition and Transparency team from Considering these objectives, the policy brief aims to identify lessons learned from the VCM and use The study shows that the leading countries with these types of regional projects includes Mexico, Colombia Stay Connected There are numerous ways to stay connected with CCAP. CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • CCAP joins calls to focus on green finance during COP26

    climate finance articles in the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement and to increase climate finance commitments from CCAP’s experience advising and forming policy discussions allows the organization to facilitate connections CCAP has ongoing work with funders such as the Green Climate Fund, NAMA Facility, and GIZ, working with Cabrera comes to CCAP from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) where she specialized in green finance the world develop, promote, and implement innovative, market-based solutions to major climate, air quality

  • Recap | Webinar - "Possible Overestimations: Carbon Reductions in REDD+ Projects”

    , 2023), CCAP hosted a webinar on a recent controversy regarding REDD+ projects (reducing emissions from Subsequently, a panel discussion was held with representatives from various carbon markets sectors to voluntary carbon market and to identify alternatives to improve confidence in carbon credits coming from Andrés Bermúdez Liévano's investigative work in Colombia revealed significant issues in carbon offset . #### CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • CCAP Announces New Board Members

    Cabrera is a national of both the U.S. and Colombia and brings over 20 years of experience in sustainable Vanamali, who originally hails from India, is an international sustainable finance and climate policy climate change efforts, accelerating transformative climate finance by mobilizing financial resources from Stay Connected There are numerous ways to stay connected with CCAP. . #### CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • Instrumentos financieros innovadores para la descarbonización en América Latina

    no financieros, y de los actores públicos y privados, para lograr el objetivo utilizando una amplia gama financiamiento climático del sector público y privado en algunos países de América Latina —Brasil, Colombia Caso de Colombia: un compromiso efectivo de las organizaciones internacionales, las instituciones financieras Refiriéndose al caso de Brasil y Colombia, aprendemos que los mecanismos y acuerdos institucionales Successfully implementing Colombia’s NDCs.

  • Blog | Should a Sustainable Finance Nomenclature be Enforced?

    disclosure of information; however, there are signs that a new wave of jurisdictions will likely move from Colombia is advancing towards linking its national measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system group, subject to be phased in over time to address existing data challenges and capacity-building gaps from integration of the Carbon Disclosure Project’s (CDP) four key questions related to the EU Taxonomy from However, emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) would likely shift from voluntary to mandatory

  • CCAP at COP25 – Week 1

    The policy dinner brought together representatives from government and the private sector to consider The event featured lessons learned from Article 6 case studies—the Chile “Firm and Flexible” Renewable Among the first virtual pilot concepts to be showcased globally, the two countries discussed how Article CDM projects in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Chile. and lessons learned from schemes and activities under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

  • Blog | Carbon Markets: Welfare Opportunities for Rural Communities

    agricultural, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) sector contributes to 24% of global GHG emissions from From 1750 - 2011, 180 Gigatons of carbon (GtC) was released into the atmosphere due to changes in land Among the investment possibilities of resources from these instruments, we identify that nature-based Chile, Colombia, and Mexico (national and subnational) designed taxes with offsetting options where the CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • Understanding carbon pricing options

    in 1997 the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto protocol established compensation as the basic concept Carbon price schemes have been evolving from national to international level. The first two are created from public entities to fix a price for each ton of CO2-equivalent emitted. If they exceed their cap, they can buy carbon credits, which generally finance carbon mitigation from It uses credits from the UNFCCC registry and private voluntary certification programs to allow airlines

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