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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • Are Transport NAMAs the Key to NDCs?

    The invited speakers were all from countries implementing transport NAMAs. They described the lessons they had learned from NAMA preparation and implementation, as well as how Giovanni Pabon, MADS Colombia on TOD NAMA and links to its NDC Mr. Again in Colombia, analyses for various NAMAs, along with other studies, helped inform the country’s CCAP will continue to report on our work in Colombia and lessons learned from it.

  • Blog | When Non-state Actors Are Transparent About their Climate Actions, the Benefits Go Both Ways

    Attention is now shifting from announcements of pledges and goals to how NSAs will implement them. As non-state actors navigate the shift from pledging to implementation, better data and tracking around Getting buy-in, financial resources and public commitments from corporate management. For example, Colombia’s MRV system has promoted reporting of climate expenditure-related information CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • CCAP Announces New Hires & Staff Promotions

    Brooks helps manage CCAP’s work on Latin American programs and projects, including work in Peru, Chile, Colombia currently focuses on on-the-ground work to design and implement National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs She also negotiated $42 million in grants from international organizations for environmental projects A native of Whitinsville, Mass., Greg earned his bachelor’s degree from Colby-Sawyer College and his master’s in communication with a concentration in public relations from Lasell University.

  • Launch of the Community of Practice on the Reduction of Methane Emissions from Organic Waste in LAC

    part of the Recycle Organics framework and will include Argentina, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Colombia The CoP´s kick-off workshop will be held in Bogota, Colombia, this November. CCAP is also developing a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) to reduce methane emissions The goal of Peru’s Waste NAMA is to reimagine the country’s waste sector from a system that relies on emissions from organic waste and convert them to useable products such as compost, biogas and electricity

  • CCAP Partners with CCAC and ImplementaSur to Reduce Methane Emissions from Organic Waste in LAC

    "With ongoing support, recent policy and project successes in key countries like Chile and Colombia can CCAP is also developing a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) to reduce methane emissions The goal of Peru’s Waste NAMA is to reimagine the country’s waste sector from a system that relies on emissions from organic waste and convert them to useable products such as compost, biogas and electricity It promotes concrete actions to manage the risks derived from climate change and provides expert technical

  • Un Nuevo Modelo de Desarrollo Urbano Equitativo y Sostenible Alrededor de Futuras Estaciones

    El programa Colombia TOD NAMA está lanzando un nuevo y emocionante proyecto, CCAP y nuestro socio CIUDAT Bogotá, Colombia ha sido un líder en transporte público innovador, desde que se abrió la primera línea Facility; la Colombia TOD NAMA ayuda a las ciudades en la generación de iniciativas urbanas que en articulación TOD Qualities of the Portal de las Americas location Multi-modal, high-capacity transit access Bicycle Este proyecto piloto es un hito clave en la implementación de la cooperación técnica de TOD NAMA que

  • Blog | The Green Climate Fund's Role in Operationalizing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement & Carbon Markets

    While there is no explicit mandate from the Board or guidance from the COP, the GCF’s governing instrument Ecuador and Costa Rica, which have received USD $18.6 million and USD $54.1 million, respectively, from Direct Access Entities" proposal in Mexico, the GCF promotes carbon markets, sustainable finance and concept By responding to this possible guidance, the GCF could transition from its current ad-hoc approach of CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • How NAMAs Can Make Projects Bankable

    require substantial low-carbon, climate-resilient investment— and most of these resources will come from The key challenge will be to turn countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) into concrete Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are one tool for implementing NDCs that can be used The paper takes a look at a renewable energy NAMA in Chile, supported by the NAMA Facility, that addresses This NAMA strengthens national regulations to improve grid access, which, together with existing net

  • Too Good to Waste: Initiative to Mitigate Methane Emissions from Waste in LAC

    financed with non-reimbursable resources are: Structuring bankable solid waste management projects with concrete CCAP’s Road to COP28 Up next, the road to COP28 takes us to Panama for LACCW from October 23-27.

  • Lessons from Virtual Pilots: Raising Climate Ambition through ITMOS

    A step up from project-based CDM or even programmes of activities, this new and flexible mechanism has price (or the price the buyer is willing to pay), it may be possible for the net proceeds generated from , facilitating the host country’s ability to meet its NDC, including the enhanced ambition stemming from Emissions reduction credits generated from the ITMO are shared between the host and buyer countries. A final way to ensure that both countries’ NDCs benefit from the ITMO is through sharing the emissions

  • CCAP’s Brooks Shaffer to Present at Global Methane, Climate and Clean Air Forum

    Taking place from September 26-30, the Forum is a premier global climate event hosted by the Climate forward, entering the detailed preparation phase (DPP) of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs to one that introduces circular economy concepts and strives to capture methane emissions and convert If successful, it would be among the first waste sector projects supported by the NAMA Facility. CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • Recycle Organics Publishes New Report on Organic Waste Management Initiatives

    Desamparados in Costa Rica, and examples from Fiji and Côte d'Ivoire. CCAP is also developing a Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) to reduce methane emissions The goal of Peru’s Waste NAMA is to reimagine the country’s waste sector from a system that relies on final disposal to one that introduces circular economy concepts and strives to reduce and capture methane emissions from organic waste and convert them to useable products such as compost, biogas and electricity

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