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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • Making the Case for Industrial Combined Heat and Power

    Rather than generating heat and buying electricity from the electrical grid, both electricity and heat energy that would otherwise be wasted when generating electricity, or generate electricity with heat from A recent executive order from the Obama Administration recognized the important role CHP can play in when it set a goal to add 40 gigawatts of domestic CHP implementation by 2020 – a 50 percent increase from The extra energy captured by CHP systems – be it electricity generated from industrial process heat or

  • Opportunities for Sustainable Development within the Waste Sector

    exploring possible policy options and strategies within the nationally appropriate mitigation action (NAMA local officials and key stakeholders in participating countries to implement policies bolstered by the NAMA In Latin America, methane emissions from solid waste disposal are projected to increase about 18 percent the eight MAIN-Latin American countries that work with CCAP – Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica As CCAP continues to research applicable policy options and NAMA opportunities for developing countries

  • Improving Fuel Economy and Reducing Vehicle Emissions

    As nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) are proposed by developing countries to significantly from 1980 to 2007. NAMAs are becoming a viable option to improve vehicle fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. These NAMAs are wide-ranging and can include measures to enhance travel efficiency, reduce fuel carbon from decreased fuel costs.

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