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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • The DC Circuit Court Should Uphold the Clean Power Plan

    NDC highlights plans to regulate carbon pollution from existing power plants, the largest domestic source Court held that Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act “speaks directly” to emissions of carbon dioxide from Power Plan are reasonable, achievable, and reflect the pre-existing trend in the power sector away from If upheld by the courts, EPA’s guidelines will achieve meaningful emissions reductions from fossil fuel-fired Ignoring successful state approaches would result in a sub-par outcome that is well shy of “best” from

  • Transfers in the Paris Agreement: Can they enable greater ambition?

    CCAP recently submitted its views to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC Emerging from Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, ITMOs offer new ways for countries to cooperate towards they can’t include bilateral or plurilateral exchanges between Parties, mitigation outcomes emerging from ITMOs and climate finance (or other forms of support) may interact in a way that undermines ambition the source and user country, support achievement of ambition globally, and seek synergies with other forms

  • Chile Launches Ambitious Decarbonization Plan Ahead of COP25 Presidency

    Over the years, Chile electricity auctions have made headlines for record low bids from renewable energy

  • The Paris Agreement Enters into Force!

    the net metering regulation (NEM) in 2013, which allows customers who generate their own electricity from CCAP is committed to helping all countries ensure that they get the support they need to convert their The United States can’t officially withdraw from the Agreement for three years after it goes into effect But the content and tone of participation by the US delegation in the UN process will be critically important The worldwide average prices for Photovoltaic (PV) cells have dropped by 78% from 2006 to 2014.

  • Strengthening the EU ETS

    frequency of benchmark updates will ensure that allocations of free allowances more accurately reflect the reality will be eligible to submit a pipeline of projects for approval by a board including representatives from These allowances are reduced from auction volumes, and can be no more than 40% of the country’s average , if the average price for more than six consecutive months is greater than three times the average from is demonstrating that it has begun to take the steps necessary to turn the reductions promised into reality

  • Impact Opportunities in Clean Energy

    The event was attended by approximately 50 family offices and foundations, and featured speakers from Principal, Capricorn Investment Group CCAP was pleased co-host this forum that brought together people from

  • Seizing the Moment to Align Oil and Gas Methane Mitigation

    administrations issued a joint statement that highlighted common goals to reduce methane emissions from In particular, the U.S. committed to begin immediately to develop regulations for methane emissions from In 2015, annual electricity production from natural gas was nearly on par with production from coal, Deployment of cost-effective solutions to mitigate methane emissions from oil and gas operations can In fact, best practices towards methane mitigation have started to emerge from the experiences of U.S

  • Budget Reconciliation: The US Electric Grid Requires Immediate Attention to Early Stage Research

    Energy consumption has virtually flat-lined in the last few years–a major change from growth rates that

  • The Green Climate Fund – Making the Case to Trump Voters

    transparency provisions allow pledges to be tracked and failures to be disclosed, but beyond this “name Walking away from our pledge means walking away from our ability to influence how these sums are spent

  • Aligning Investment with the 2°C Goal

    Achieving this goal will require shifting capital from high-to low-carbon investments. Within this context, the German government, through the Federal Environment Agency, has commissioned Beyond the technical understanding of which technologies are compatible with the goal from an emissions However, preventing waste from ending up in landfill in the first place through reducing packaging, recycling the sector can be low-emissions and sustainable across other dimensions, such as improving health and quality

  • CCAP’s Waste Program launches work with the Municipality of Quito, Ecuador

    Based on this analysis of the local and national context, CCAP will identify and provide the municipality sometimes transported thousands of miles, Ecuadorians could soon be able to purchase local compost derived from

  • The Green Climate Fund and the Paris Agreement

    this discussion, CCAP has partnered with the World Resources Institute and Sierra Club, with inputs from

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