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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • 1st Oil and Gas Methane Leadership Awards

    standards; Mexico, recognized as an Emerging Leader for its commitment to cutting methane emissions from

  • The Global Agreement to Fight Climate Change

    Unbelievable, really. Supreme Court had put the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) modest rule to limit carbon pollution from CCAP had convened the meeting to allow Latin American countries to share their plans for converting the Representatives from Chile talked about the country’s goal of reaching 20 percent renewable power by So while our political national discourse may not reflect this reality, the world is moving forward to

  • Workshop on Methane Emissions in the Mexican Oil and Gas Sector

    The event featured CCAP, CATF and outside experts from Environment and Climate Change Canada, and was structured as a working session to address specific concerns related to the development and drafting The workshop enjoyed enthusiastic participation from representatives of the Mexican Energy Ministry (

  • The Paris Agreement - You Can Pull Out, You Can Ignore It, But Here's What You Can't Do

    The bottom line is this: President Trump likely can withdraw from Paris if he wants, though there are election in November, there was discussion about the possibility and implications of a U.S. withdrawal from there is some ambiguity in legal precedent, it appears that the President has the authority to withdraw from Bodansky suggests that it is generally held that Presidents have the power to unilaterally withdraw from Even without withdrawing from the Agreement, the administration could effectively ignore it.

  • Third International Dialogue on Enhancing Ambition (IDEA) through Climate Finance

    This dialogue brought together leading government policymakers and representatives from the Green Climate non-sovereign financing to support NDC implementation; Take stock of the lessons learned and key gaps from

  • CCAP’s Transport program at SB46

    With chapters addressing mitigation actions from mass transit to vehicle efficiency to fuel efficiency The discussion will take place from 13:00 to 15:00 on the GIZ campus, exact location TBD.

  • Peru Distributed Generation Workshop

    implementation capacity and facilitate the development of appropriate policy options for the local context Solicit input from relevant stakeholders to inform the relevant processes associated with DG promotion The workshop brought together a variety of stakeholders including: government representatives from the

  • Workshop on Regulatory Options for Methane Mitigation in Mexico’s Oil and Gas Sectors

    Participants included Mexican policy makers from SENER, SEMARNAT, ASEA, INECC, CNH and CRE, as well as experts on oil and gas regulation from Alberta, Canada, the U.S. states of California and Colorado, and representatives from Environment and Climate Change Canada and the U.S. From a climate standpoint, Mexico’s Special Program for Climate Change (PECC) and Intended Nationally Moreover, the Mexican government recently committed to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas

  • Building the Plane as We Fly It: Progress and Next Steps for an Effective Green Climate Fund

    pipeline: As they approved the Fund’s second round of projects, many Board members and observers voiced concerned about the volume of funding requests and the quality of proposals. of entities accredited and a potential “exclusion list” that would bar certain types of institutions from Move from projects to programs: There was broad agreement in Songdo that the GCF must go beyond one-off Yet guidelines for programs were deferred amidst concerns of how such approaches can ensure consistency

  • Eighth MAIN Latin America Regional Dialogue

    co-organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention GIZ, CCAP, the Paris Agreement Transparency Alliance, and the NDC Partnership with generous support from Identify concrete opportunities in the energy sector to achieve the NDC targets by promoting a transition

  • Workshop Supports Information Exchange for Methane Mitigation in Mexico’s Oil and Gas Sectors

    ’s Oil and Gas Sectors, senior Mexican officials reiterated their plans to reduce methane emissions from Cost-effective solutions to mitigate methane emissions from oil and gas can ensure that practices in Department of Energy, set the stage for the meeting, which also featured best practices from Alberta, eager to hear the experiences of its peers, and there were opportunities for all participants to learn from monitoring and enforcement approaches in use or under development for mitigating methane emissions from

  • The Final Clean Power Plan Will Be Out Tomorrow — Issues to Watch

    (in cases where 2012 was idiosyncratic), adjustments to how the base year is calculated, or from changes shifts from coal to natural gas. the clean energy investment) can also benefit from lower emissions stemming from the same clean energy Under a mass-based standard, if the marginal unit is located in another state, it is conceivable that Whereas the proposal assumed that 6 percent of nuclear plants are at-risk in all markets, in reality,

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