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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • Estrategias Comunicacionales para la Implementación de Políticas Exitosas de Manejo de Residuos

    de residuos sólidos municipales y otros actores clave del sector público y se centró en proporcionar conceptos

  • Dialogue and Strategy Session on Distributed Energy Resources and Microgrids to Support Reliability

    Highlights will include: A keynote presentation from Becky Robinson, Technical Advisor to Commissioner Participation from entities engaged in solar, storage, demand response and microgrid technologies. In-depth context and comments from senior FERC and Department of Energy staff on the history of federal

  • Advancing Sustainable Waste Management Projects in Ecuador and Chile

    The ultimate goal is to provide each city with technical, on-the-ground support to move from policy to a clear plan for implementation in order to increase the chances of the project receiving approval from

  • COP26 looks to Climate Finance for pathways to deep decarbonization

    That realization was included in the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use, an agreement Developed countries pledged that by 2025 their contributions to adaptation would double from 2019 levels

  • Global NDA Conference

    Global NDA Conference (October 8th to 12th) in Incheon, South Korea, which brought together participants from

  • Online Roundtable on Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

    technical challenges identified at these meetings, the Online Roundtable brought together representatives from

  • Linking Mitigation Transfers to Long-Term Action Under the Paris Agreement

    that future baselines for generating mitigation outcomes include the emissions reductions achieved from economy-wide goals and support use of a full and instantaneous corresponding adjustment for transfers from Specifically, a host country generating mitigation outcomes from outside the NDC must indicate when the With this intention laid out, the host country could be allowed to transfer mitigation outcomes from sources not covered by an NDC, which would provide experience and capacity to mitigate emissions from

  • CCAP at COP25 – Week 2

    the COP25 Chilean Presidency for Green Finance Day: The Role of Public Finance for Climate Action in Context of a New Climate Finance Goal Date: Monday, December 9, 2019 Time: 8:45- 10:15 am Context: Limiting In its 2019 report, the Commission found that investing $1.8 trillion globally in five areas from 2020 developing countries’ economies and societies to adapt to the profound consequences of climate change in the context Agreement: Approaching the shift of financial flows Date: Monday, December 9, 2019 Time: 10:45 – 12:15 am Context

  • Fulfilling the Promise of the Paris Agreement

    Regional Dialogue, which brought together high-level developing country policy makers with representatives from Our paper on Converting INDCs into Action analyzed the INDCs from key developing countries. What we heard from our LAC partners affirms this analysis. Targeted support of the work by individual countries to convert their INDC’s into concrete measures, developing and developed countries and funding institutions to build a shared vision for how to make this a reality

  • Workshop on Regulatory Measures to Control and Reduce Methane Emissions in the Mexican Oil Sector

    The workshop, which featured CCAP, CATF and international experts from Environment and Climate Change Detection and Repair (LDAR) programs.The workshop was structured as a working session to address specific concerns The workshop also enjoyed participation from the representatives of the Mexican Energy Ministry (SENER

  • CCAC Municipal Solid Waste Initiative- City Network Launch and Workshop

    Cities are some of the most important partners in addressing the complex set of issues that arise from specifically tailored to the unique challenges faced by Latin American cities, and the opportunity to learn from development bank representatives, private sector waste operators, and 30 waste sector representatives from to engage decision makers and private sector representatives on the importance of reducing emissions from The network will be closely linked with waste experts from around the world, including from CCAP, the

  • Secretary Perry's Narrow Directive to FERC

    Contradicting the findings from the Department of Energy’s August 2017 Staff Report to the Secretary take final action on a proposed Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule seeks to shield coal and nuclear plants from This proposed directive is a considerable leap from the Quadrennial Energy Review finding that “grid

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