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219 items found for "colombia-tod-nama-from-concept-to-reality"

  • CCAP Presents First Version of ICAT Climate Finance Transparency Guide

    CCAP’s mission is to support every step of climate action, from ambition to implementation.

  • Mexico Publishes Landmark Regulations to Combat Super Pollutants

    Notably, these regulations address emissions from both new and existing operations, and cover the entire With publication of these regulations, Mexico joins a very select group of countries that have realized pollution as part of the larger national and international effort to limit potentially catastrophic impacts from Now that Mexico has become a global leader on regulating methane from the O&G sector, we invite the rest

  • Nature loss presents financial risks that must be quantified

    Nature loss impacts on financial institutions Source: Author, adapted from "An Introductory Guide to The second part of the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biodiversity Diversity (CBD) that will be held from April to May of this year will be instrumental in setting common

  • No Rules Were Better Than Bad Rules

    Rather than concede to the demands of one country insisting on its right to sell CDM-style carbon credits Similarly, with no formal end to CDM, these trades can also advance, subject to demand from prospective From a practical standpoint, countries interested in purchasing ITMOs will be in the driver’s seat to

  • CCAP Submits Inputs for the Green Climate Fund’s Initial Proposal Approval Process

    Enhance readiness and project preparation support to improve the quality of projects entering the project investment to ensure significant volumes of financing can flow at scale without sacrificing project quality This support should focus on helping countries to convert their INDC goals into policies, measures, and process to allow proponents get useful feedback and project development support based on submitted concept

  • Financing INDC Conversion through the GCF

    scale up their support to developing countries, the coming years will be pivotal in helping countries convert Drawing from CCAP’s policy brief, Next Steps for Converting INDCs into Action, there are several key initiative by financing more activities that are earlier in the project cycle, including the development of concept countries the opportunity to develop a broad climate finance strategy that can help attract financing from

  • CCAP Continues Work to Reduce Methane Emissions in the Mexican Oil and Gas Sector

    reiterated its plans to comply with the previously set regional target of reducing methane emissions from The workshop, which featured CCAP, CATF and international experts from Environment and Climate Change The workshop also enjoyed participation from the representatives of the Mexican Energy Ministry (SENER This workshop was an opportunity for all participants to learn from one another. David McCabe from the CATF explained in detail many different sources of vented emissions as well as

  • Decoding the Proposed GTF Strategic Plan 2020-2023: Accreditation (Part 3)

    It also showed that the lengthy accreditation process deters key private actors from engaging with the Those concerned about PSAA have argued that it can be used as a way to by-pass the Fund’s standards, PSAA will benefit those looking for swifter decision-making from the Fund, and not looking for a long-term

  • First Energy Transformation Dialogue

    first Energy Transformation Dialogue of the Mitigation Action Implementation Network (MAIN) took place from the California Energy Commission (CEC), the event brought together key energy and utility regulators from dialogues and efforts to support countries’ work on designing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs Key points from the dialogue include the following: High levels of intermittent RE can be achieved and NAMA financing has been ramping up and provides an opportunity to fund this transformation away from

  • Decoding the Proposed GTF Strategic Plan 2020-2023: Private Sector Engagement (Part 1)

    strategy for the Private Sector Facility (PSF); however, it failed to approve it based on a number of concerns Accredited entities are incentivized to prioritize projects within their own pipelines over those from Consequently, highly innovative ideas that could benefit from the Fund’s concessional finance may be There are only a few concrete provisions that encourage a bolder role for the PSF.

  • Supporting a Peruvian Energy Transition through Distributed Generation

    technologies have become cost competitive with grid-produced electricity, and the gains may continue to grow from Distributed generation can additionally improve the quality of service in connected areas with poor quality Furthermore, distributed generation can improve the resilience of a country that relies heavily on generation from

  • Facilitating Participation for Distributed Energy (and Avoiding the Pitfalls)

    priority policy issue for the year, Commissioners expressed various objectives for the conference, ranging from And as made clear by representatives from California and New York, a key part of wholesale market access Instead, a dozen slots were allocated for representatives from ISOs and RTOs, another dozen or so were Missing from much of the conversation were the DER companies—the technology providers, aggregators, and software developers—that stand to benefit from open access to power markets.

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