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Impact Opportunities in Clean Energy

Bill Tyndall

CCAP, in collaboration with the impact investment firm, The Alberleen Group, recently hosted a forum on Impact Opportunities in Clean Energy in New York City at Crow­ell & Mor­ing LLP Office. I had the privilege of co-hosting with The Alberleen Group founder and CEO—and CCAP Board Member—Jolyne Caruso. The forum also featured a fireside conversation with former Duke Energy CEO and CCAP Board Member Jim Rogers about his book, Lighting the World, on bringing electricity to the billion on earth living without it.

The discussion focused on the key drivers of the global clean energy market, including the Paris Agreement, ever cheaper and more potent energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, and new sources of climate capital that are opening up global opportunities for clean energy investment. However the challenge that many panelists at the forum addressed is how to accelerate the deployment of clean energy and other mitigation solutions in time to meet the 2 degree Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement.

The event was attended by approximately 50 family offices and foundations, and featured speakers from the public and private sector, including:

  • Ann Davlin, President, Davlin Development Group

  • Asgar Garnak, Chief Advisor, Climate and Energy Finance, Danish Energy Agency, part of the Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate

  • Adam Goodfriend, Chief Investment Officer, The Alberleen Group

  • Eric Haxhtausen, Senior Advisor, Office of Global Climate Change, U.S. Agency for International Development

  • Farrukh Khan, Head of Climate Finance, Executive Office of the Secretary General, United Nations

  • David Miller, Co-Founder and MD, Clean Energy Venture Fund

  • Cameron Prell, Counsel, Crowell & Moring

  • Brian Wolff, EVP for Public Policy, Edison Electric Association

  • Ion Yadigaroglu, Partner and Managing Principal, Capricorn Investment Group

CCAP was pleased co-host this forum that brought together people from across of the financing landscape to share experiences. This is an essential part of the solution and we look forward to further work with this vital source of climate finance.


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