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Eighth MAIN Latin America Regional Dialogue

The Eighth MAIN LAC Regional Dialogue on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) was co-organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), GIZ, CCAP, the Paris Agreement Transparency Alliance, and the NDC Partnership with generous support from the European Commission as well as the governments of Norway and Germany. Hosted by the Government of Ecuador in Quito, the event brought together representatives of the governments of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), a range of private sector firms, developing and donor government agencies, and multilateral and bilateral financial institutions for a discussion on how to drive ambitious, country-driven climate action in line with NDCs.

The objectives of the dialogue were to:

  • Take stock of NDC implementation planning status, share experiences, best practices, and opportunities and associated challenges.

  • Identify concrete opportunities in the energy sector to achieve the NDC targets by promoting a transition to clean energy.

  • Highlight key considerations to mobilize financing to develop and implement these actions and opportunities for the private sector to engage in NDC implementation.

  • Explore mechanisms for monitoring, reporting and other elements related to the transparency framework in the Paris Agreement.


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