This dialogue is aimed at bringing together companies, associations, NGOs and others interested in ensuring that clean distributed energy resources—distributed solar, demand response, energy storage and microgrids–are able to compete on a level playing field with other energy technologies. This includes ensuring that DER technologies are appropriately valued, as applicable, in wholesale electric markets. We also seek to understand model state policies that aim to promote DER and how these policies align with wholesale power markets. A key outcome of the meeting will be to ensure that advocates for DER technologies are well positioned to engage future FERC deliberations related to the FERC NOPR on grid reliability and resilience pricing as well as notable policies raised in other recent FERC dockets and the DOE budget proposal.
Highlights will include:
A keynote presentation from Becky Robinson, Technical Advisor to Commissioner LaFleur, who will open the meeting with an overview of FERC’s approach to distributed energy and storage and the Commission’s direction going forward as it relates to newer DER technologies.
Participation from entities engaged in solar, storage, demand response and microgrid technologies.
In-depth context and comments from senior FERC and Department of Energy staff on the history of federal policies and programs that have enabled market participation by DERs and microgrids, as well as the various proposals and policy proceedings that could impact DER and microgrid technologies.