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CCAP Signs MOU for Waste NAMA Feasibility Study

Anmol Vanamali

CCAP’s waste NAMA initiative took a great leap forward recently, as plans to conduct a feasibility study in Cali, Colombia were solidified on Nov. 6. In September, CCAP, with the support of its steering committee, had decided to focus on its next phase of potential waste NAMA studies in two cities – Cali and Sogamoso.

Keeping in step with our plan, CCAP has successfully signed a memorandum of understanding with the municipality of Cali to conduct a feasibility study for Mechanical-Biological Treatment (MBT) facilities to deal with municipal solid waste generated in the city of Cali. The MOU was signed by the Mayor of Cali, Dr. Rodrigo Guerrero Velasco and Director of CCAP, Anmol Vanamali and can be found here. The signing of the MOU was followed by a press conference where the CCAP representatives, Anmol Vanamali and Michael LaGiglia fielded a plentitude of questions from reporters belonging to leading newspapers and media outlets eager to understand the nature of CCAP’s involvement, the scope of the feasibility study and the eventual goal of this process. Articles from local media outlets can be found here, here and here.

CCAP also came one step closer to signing an MOU with Argos, the largest producer of cement in Colombia, for a joint study on the potential use of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) in several plants located around Cali and Sogamoso. This information will be extremely useful in order to analyze the techno-economic feasibility of MBT facilities that produce RDF as a byproduct for use in cement kilns. SCS Engineers, a global leader in engineering solutions in the waste management sector, will assist CCAP in carrying out this analysis.

Additionally, CCAP will work with a fleet of local consultants to assist with analysis and policy recommendations in areas such as tariff changes, commodity market analysis (recyclables, compost and RDF) and impact and integration of the informal sector in the solid waste sector.

CCAP also held talks with InterAseo, the largest private sector provider of solid waste management services in Colombia and also the operator of the transfer station and sanitary landfill in Cali, for information sharing and will aim to sign an MOU to formalize this process.


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