Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - CCAP Carbon Markets Program Manager Martin Perez attended the Carbon Price in the Americas General Assembly strategic session in Rio de Janeiro on October 17. The CPA General Assembly is a unique moment during the year that offers the CPA members and partners an opportunity to meet and share their knowledge and first-hand experience in developing and/or implementing carbon pricing mechanisms as key instruments to accelerate the transition to a clean and carbon neutral economy.
Martin participated in the Tour de table session, where partners presented ongoing activities in their organization. CCAP focused on its recent projects, showing that we have created partnerships with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to generate updated knowledge about the diversity of carbon prices and its interaction with carbon markets within the Americas. CCAP also be presented research and developing recommendations about the role of the markets in social welfare rises, benefit sharing, and fair agreements.
Overall Objectives of the 2022 CPA General Assembly
Demonstrate a critical mass of high ambition governments from the Americas committed to using carbon pricing as a key policy tool in their ambition toward a carbon neutral economy in 2050.
Develop a good understanding of upcoming tendencies related to carbon pricing in the Americas and around the world.
Set the 2023 agenda to strengthen knowledge sharing between members and partners and identify key opportunities and needs for 2023.