The Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) organized its 2016 Climate Finance Forum on the margins of the 44th Meeting of the Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC, in Bonn, Germany.
The meeting convened a targeted group of high-level policymakers from developed and developing countries and representatives from climate finance institutions including the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the NAMA Facility, and other multilateral, bilateral, and private sector sources of climate finance.
The goal of the Forum was to encourage the development and financing of transformational program proposals and climate strategies that will help developing countries achieve ambitious outcomes and sustainable development to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and effect the wider realignment of financial flows called for under the Paris Agreement. Specifically, the Forum aimed to:
Support developing country efforts to convert their NDCs into policies, measures, and investment strategies, by sharing concrete examples of countries’ current efforts and identifying ways to support these efforts.
Promote the sustainability of global financial flows towards low-carbon investments by highlighting nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) that combine policy reforms and financial mechanisms to catalyze private sector investments.
Provide an opportunity for developing countries to showcase transformational mitigation proposals and for funders to ask questions and share advice to strengthen the proposals.
Highlight the climate finance sources available for both readiness and implementation activities to support developing countries in converting their NDCs into action on the ground and in promoting climate-friendly investment more broadly.
Facilitate dialogue among donors, developing countries, financiers, and policy makers on how current sources of climate finance can more effectively support the development and implementation of transformational programs and build a project pipeline that supports the Paris Agreement.